The City of Love and Lights

Ahhh Paris. The city of love, the city of lights. I can certainly understand why this city is always paired with romance and love. The sights and sounds are all so enchanting, so it’s easy to be mesmerized and entranced when coming here; especially with someone you love.


Being in 5th grade when I was in Paris, I obviously wasn’t in love, but I fully appreciated what this lovely city represented and had to offer. Every morning, my parents and I would start our day sitting in little cafés drinking tea and eating delicious French bread. It was a wonderful way to begin each day with all the people passing us and the beautiful sights and scenery in the background.   

Of course, my favorite site was the Eiffel Tower. We began walking up the never ending stairs to the top and quickly opted for the elevator to finish to our trip up into the sky. When stepping out of the elevator doors, we were immediately hit with wind and cold. Totally worth it though. Being able to see the city of Paris from every angle and all directions was beautiful and thrilling.

Another site I fell in love with was the Louvre. The Louvre is a grand museum and the home of many great works of art (i.e. The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and many ancient artifacts). I’ve always been a fan of art, so the Louvre was right up my alley.

Right around the time we were traveling to Paris, the movie Moulin Rouge came out. I was infatuated with the love story between the main characters and the music within the movie. Naturally, I begged my parents to go see the location of the Moulin Rouge and the inspiration of the movie. I didn’t go into the Moulin Rouge, obviously, but I did get to see it.

Paris is a city rich in history, culture and love. It is chalk full of museums, churches, and historical sites that will keep you busy for days upon days. 

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