
While there are so many countries that I would love top travel to, there are also many places in the U.S. That I would love to see. Alaska ranks highest on the list.

My parents traveled to Alaska when I was young, and ever since I’ve been dying to go. The natural beauty that they were able to capture in their travel pictures were amazing to look at. And even though I’m not a fan of the cold, I’m still determined to travel there one day.

I’ve heard the wildlife in Alaska is very diverse and quite an experience to be able to see so many types of animals. You can even go kayaking and whales will surface the water near you. I would probably be a little terrified by the whales, but it would be so cool to be able to say you did that.



I’ve always found myself enchanted by the mesmerizing beauty that is Greece. The hillside villages, divine waters and rich enchanting history captivates me. Getting the opportunity to travel to this country is at the top of my bucket list.

During my schooling, I was always learning about the Greek gods and goddesses and the amazing stories that partner with them. I was entranced by these stories and wanted to know more. Getting to see where these stories originated and took place would be right up my alley. The shrines throughout the country that are dedicated to these heroes and heroines would be amazing to see; Along with all the ancient artifacts and landmarks. Plus Greece is the birth place of the Olympics which I think adds to cool factor of this country.

People are constantly posting pictures of Greece on Instagram, Facebook and other social networks, sharing the beauty of the country. I know these pictures are great, but getting to see and experience the country first hand would be utterly amazing.

Down Under

I’ve always been intrigued with visiting Australia, ever since I was a little girl, but as I’ve grown up the place I would really love to see “Down Under” would have to be New Zealand. The pictures I have seen of this country bares some of the most beautiful natural landscapes I have ever seen.  Traveling to a place with beautiful beaches and then also getting to see beautiful rustic mountains would be so awesome. And seeing it all in person would be indescribable, I am sure.

New Zealand is located on an island above Australia. Through some research, I’ve learned that because of New Zealand’s remote location, it is actually one of the last lands to be settled by humans, which I think is pretty cool. Most people tend to think that New Zealand is a Caribbean type of destination, but actually the climate there averages around 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit. To me that’s nearly warm enough, but I’m sure I could easily bare the temperatures to see what the country has to offer.  New Zealand is also known for it’s unique animal and plant life that has grown habit there. Also, the country is English speaking, which makes it easy to travel there and to find your way around.

So, if you’re looking to go “Down Under,” then look no further than New Zealand and experience some serene natural beauty and interesting plant and animal life.