American Horror Story


Taking a break from my traveling experiences to talk about the season premiere of American Horror Story: Coven last night. Starting it’s third twisted season, AHS is all about horrific stories from America’s past. The current season’s plot is based on witches with a New Orleans, LA setting. Each season is different; having different stories, plots and characters. The diversity of this show is perhaps why I am so obsessed. It’s dark, demented and twisted, yet also has a softer side with some bizarre love stories.

The season started off with a flashback to the past to an older woman slave owner who cruelly abuses her help in the most tortuous ways possible. Then the story heads into present day with a young girl, who was actually in the first season. She quickly finds out that she’s a witch and is sent off to New Orleans to what is essentially a Witch Charm School. Previous characters from past seasons show their wicked faces again, along with some new fresh faces.

The story line is always exciting, thrilling and full of surprises you never thought possible. I’m very excited that the show is back on and my Wednesday nights now have a purpose again. I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds and I suggest you start watching!