
While there are so many countries that I would love top travel to, there are also many places in the U.S. That I would love to see. Alaska ranks highest on the list.

My parents traveled to Alaska when I was young, and ever since I’ve been dying to go. The natural beauty that they were able to capture in their travel pictures were amazing to look at. And even though I’m not a fan of the cold, I’m still determined to travel there one day.

I’ve heard the wildlife in Alaska is very diverse and quite an experience to be able to see so many types of animals. You can even go kayaking and whales will surface the water near you. I would probably be a little terrified by the whales, but it would be so cool to be able to say you did that.


Northern Lights

Back to my travels and future travels..

While I have been to so many amazing places, I left with wanting more and planning future trips. One place in particular I am dying to go, is somewhere to see the Northern Lights. The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, can be viewed from many different places on Earth. If I were to go see this natural phenomenon I would probably choose to venture to a Scandinavian country, like Finland or Norway.


The Northern Lights is a highly scientific event, described as a collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere. While I am not big on science, I can certainly still appreciate the magnitude of this awe-inspiring light display in the sky. To me, getting to see the Lights would be incredibly spiritual, that something so beautifully complex could exist and be seen to the world. I feel like getting to see those shimmering colors and lights dance across the black sky would be a memory I could never forget.


The Northern Lights are at the top of my bucket list for sure. Image


If you’re looking to go on a trip to somewhere that’s rich in beauty and nature, then I would definitely have to suggest going to Switzerland. During the trip where my parent and I went to London, we also got to spend some time in three different cities in Switzerland. First we traveled to Lausanne, which is on the shores of Lake Geneva. Lausanne is actually right across the lake from Evian, France, where Evian Springs water is made. I actually got to spend a day in Evian, which is rich in shopping, dining and casinos. It was beautiful of course, but back to Switzerland. In Lausanne, we decided to go on an old-time vintage tour boat from the early 1900s up the pristine blue, green waters of Lake Geneva. It was an enchanting boat ride full of scenic beauty. After our boating extravaganza we opted for walks along the Lake side. Flowers were at our every look and turn. The people were so amazingly friendly and helpful with suggesting where we should go. After several days on the Lake side and wondering around the city limits, we were onto our next destination.


Next was Locarno. We took a train up the mountains and were able to see vineyards, little farm houses and all kinds of animals. It was probably my favorite train ride of my entire European trip because of all the things there were to see. Locarno is located on Lake Maggiore and by the Swiss Alps. This city has heavy Italian influences, so were able to have some authentic Italian cuisine during our stay. Of course the sights were captivatingly beautiful like everywhere else in Switzerland.  


Lastly we traveled to Zurich, which is the nation’s largest city and one of the world’s leading financial centers. There have been many surveys that state that Zurich has the best quality of life and is the wealthiest city in Europe. So this place already has a lot going for them. I remember after arriving in Zurich, we walked from the train station to our hotel. That train station was the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen; so intricate and massive. So we walked across the long bridge to get to our hotel. My dad and I had lunch at the café that was under our hotel and sat outside and enjoyed the lovely day. We only stayed in Zurich for one night, but it was a great end to our travels in Switzerland.


There are some things in life that are so beautiful you can’t put into words to capture and describe the essence of a place. Switzerland is just that; go see for yourself!