London’s Calling


In 2002, at the young age of eleven, I had the privilege of traveling to Europe for the first time. My dad was on business in London and had my mom and I fly over to see him. The flight over to London, was the longest I had ever been on in my life. The flight was roughly twelve hours and I was battling a cold, so it wasn’t all that pleasant. The thought of seeing my dad and the beautiful city of London got me through it though.

After fighting all the traffic out of the airport we were on our way to our hotel to meet up with my dad. After our reunion we began to map out our week. My parents had already traveled to London numerous times, so they knew exactly where to take me. I think it makes a trip even better when you have someone with you that has already been to that place. They know the area and points of interest and can guide you where to go, which is very helpful.

Our first stop was to see Big Ben and Parliament which is by Westminster Abbey. We decided to go up on the London Eye, which is essentially a gigantic ferris wheel that is enclosed. It was very cool to get see Big Ben from so high in the sky. That was probably the coolest part of our London trip. From there, we visited London Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. The history of this place had me in awe. To learn about so many historical figures/stories in class and then to go to the places where these people inhabited and where events took place was so special to me and it still is today. I’ve always been a fan of history, so I was very into this trip. I also was able to go to Windsor Castle where the current Queen spends her summers. Of course we stopped by Buckingham Palace and got some pictures there. We even were able to go to London’s “Broadway,” to see the Phantom of the Opera, which was incredible.

The sites, the food and people were wonderful in London. So if you’re looking to go on a trip and experience a lot of history, London would be a great place to see.