Down Under

I’ve always been intrigued with visiting Australia, ever since I was a little girl, but as I’ve grown up the place I would really love to see “Down Under” would have to be New Zealand. The pictures I have seen of this country bares some of the most beautiful natural landscapes I have ever seen.  Traveling to a place with beautiful beaches and then also getting to see beautiful rustic mountains would be so awesome. And seeing it all in person would be indescribable, I am sure.

New Zealand is located on an island above Australia. Through some research, I’ve learned that because of New Zealand’s remote location, it is actually one of the last lands to be settled by humans, which I think is pretty cool. Most people tend to think that New Zealand is a Caribbean type of destination, but actually the climate there averages around 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit. To me that’s nearly warm enough, but I’m sure I could easily bare the temperatures to see what the country has to offer.  New Zealand is also known for it’s unique animal and plant life that has grown habit there. Also, the country is English speaking, which makes it easy to travel there and to find your way around.

So, if you’re looking to go “Down Under,” then look no further than New Zealand and experience some serene natural beauty and interesting plant and animal life.